Using AI and personalization to create a better browse experience

With over 30,000 talent on the platform, designing useful browse and filter tools was a must.




Product design

High-fidelity prototyping

User research

User testing

Competitive analysis

Design system






Generative AI

Rethinking filters

After an initial redesign of filters to move towards a dialog sheet and category tree structure, we continued to refine our approach to filters by observing user behavior and implementing learnings from the redesign of Cameo for Business’ filters functionality, which led us to an in-line filter rail that applied changes instantly. Part of this redesign effort was to integrate with Algolia’s search functionality and use AI to help us revamp our entire category taxonomy based on the 30,000+ talent on the platform.

Social browse

One of the most common user pain points we ran across was finding the perfect talent to book for a Cameo. By designing and launching a feature to browse our talent by entering a social media handle, we were able to show purchasers a personalized list of talent on the platform that are already followed by any given social media account. Our gift-giving cohort found this particularly useful when it came to finding the right talent to book for someone else.

Guided browse

We learned from the homepage redesign that it was typically more valuable to present users with a curated collection of categories like shows, channels, sports teams, etc. rather than surfacing up individual talent who may or may not be relevant to a given user. So, instead of leading users to a grid view of all 30,000+ talent when they chose to see “more categories” we designed and launched a dialog outlining the most popular categories that they could multi-select and create a personalized results view and find relevant talent.

Future vision

Taking design inspiration from not only other marketplace experiences, but also media consumption experiences, I redesigned our browse experience from the ground up with a focus around design pillars such as flexibility, personalization, and discoverability. The result was an experience that leaned into fully branded landing pages, personalized, AI-driven content, improved SEO opportunities, and more intuitive ways for users to discover the right talent. From a scalability perspective, I designed a variety of fully responsive, flexible components with multiple variants that adhered to our newly defined grid, so they could be used on any page by any team.


Consumer profile redesign


Booking form redesign